Maintain your store with ease!
Our E-Commerce store with full CMS (Content Management System) allows you to maintain your store with ease, we'll even customise to suit your business.
Ideograph's CMS includes:
- Add/modify/ delete products, categories, store news, shipping, tax, payment methods, suppliers, affiliates and site settings while the store is running;
- Unlimited product variations with price and type (size, color, etc)
- Creation of feature products and specials
- Up-datable, inbuilt shipping, currency conversion and GST tax calculations included
- Cross Selling Features such as related products, wishlist, email to a friend and email newsletters
- Ability to handle rental products, recurring billing, digital goods with serial codes as well as physical products.
- Inbuilt stock management with Back-Order facility, and out of stock messages for products with zero stock
- Multiple Payment Methods including credit cards, Pay Pal, EFT, money order and cheque
- Customer login provides; Order Tracking, access to discounts, ability to change contact details
- Allows and calculates affiliates and commissions
- Secure SSL credit card collection with order confirmation sent by e-mail to customer and store administrator.
We ensure that buying from your company online is an easy experience for your customers, so that they don’’t hesitate to purchase from you again, and again, and again.
Brief overview of features:
Commercial-Grade Custom Design
Our on-line stores are designed specifically for your business and more importantly your clients needs.
Self-Manage Your Online Store
Upload new products, process orders and print invoices seamlessly.
Enhanced Online Shopping
Give your customers an amazing online shopping experience they deserve with one of the world's best e-commerce systems.
The world's easiest CMS
Self managing your website text & images becomes so simple that you can easily do it yourself.
Upload Photos
Provide your website visitors with a rich end-user experience.
Automatic Email Newsletter Campaigns
Keep customers informed with latest products or information with just one click. We can build into your store a newsletter or new products page that you can send to all your clients with just one click.
Discount rewards
Give your favourite customers discounts for repeat purchases.
Secure Payment Gateways
Accept payments by credit cards, EFT, cheque or even accommodate account holders.
Unlimited Product Categories
Add thousands of products with unlimited categories
Personalised training and support
Our CMS is one of the worlds easiest to use – you don't need to be a geek to use it.! In no time flat, you will be adding new products and updating information to your site, and if you do have a question, just ring us.
For a full run-down, or to find out how an on-line store can increase your sales please give us a call.